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Why attend?

The Future Transport Forum is the new annual meeting place for anyone working in cutting edge future mobility projects in the UK and beyond. 


The event will focus on the rapidly developing Future Transport Zones (FTZ) areas, as well as related projects that are making journeys easier, smarter and greener with new technology. 


The event will bring together those working in national and local government, research institutes, charities and community groups and think-tanks, and connect them with the innovative private sector organisations who are shaping the future of transport in towns, cities and rural areas. 

Conference delegates

The Future of Transport Forum will showcase the technologies and solutions that are being piloted and refined on the ground in the UK's Future Transport Zones and beyond. It will:

  • Show how £90 million is supporting the trials of new transport innovation in four Future Transport Zones including Solent, TfWM, WECA and Derby / Notts

  • Highlight the benefits of real world testing of new technologies and approaches

  • Show how innovative places are making smarter and wider use of new technologies

  • Demonstrate innovative new ways to transport people and goods around urban and rural areas

  • Bring together stakeholders including councils, hospitals, transport operators, communities, airports and universities

The background to Future Transport Zones: read more here

The way we travel is changing. Technology and innovation are blurring the distinctions between different types of vehicles and services and increasing automation is providing new opportunities and challenges.


Some of these changes, such as apps to help plan journeys, electric vehicles, drones and technology to assist drivers are already here. In the next ten years we are likely to see more and greater change. Since the Future of Transport Regulatory Review was launched, there have been increased impacts from these changes, and also significant shifts in how people travel.

Future Transport Zones are underpinned by agreed principles:

  • New modes of transport and new mobility services must be safe and secure by design.

  • The benefits of innovation in mobility must be available to all parts of the UK and all segments of society.

  • Walking, cycling and active travel must remain the best options for short urban journeys.

  • Mass transit must remain fundamental to an efficient transport system.

  • New mobility services must lead the transition to zero emissions.

  • Mobility innovation must help to reduce congestion through more efficient use of limited road space, for example through sharing rides, increasing occupancy or consolidating freight.

  • The marketplace for mobility must be open to stimulate innovation and give the best deal to consumers.

  • New mobility services must be designed to operate as part of an integrated transport system combining public, private and multiple modes for transport users.

  • Data from new mobility services must be shared where appropriate to improve choice and the operation of the transport system.

  • Try a drone Virtual-Reality experience – how will delivery drones look and sound? 

    Using virtual reality headsets, see how delivery drones operating on virtual highways might look and sound like in the future. Drones will be used as part of the Solent Future Transport Zone plan to provide logistical support to the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.

    How would you feel about drones carrying products, travelling along pre-agreed flight paths that might follow existing roads or travel close to houses and schools? What will these drones look and sound like from the ground, and what would they be able to see from the air?

    Drone delivery
    Who you will meet
    Delegates ask questions

    Who you will meet

    • Transport technologists

    • New mobility pioneers

    • Transport and urban planners

    • Public transport professionals

    • Highways and transport engineers

    • Active travel professionals

    • Data and modelling experts

    • Marketing and behaviour change professionals

    • Directors of strategy and services

    • Academics and researchers

    • Community groups

    The programme

    Conference programme

    Comprising a series of expert-led panels / workshops discussing key themes, plus a choice of site visits by e-scooter, bike and e-bike, hovercraft and a walking MaaS app demo


    Exhibition Area

    Registration: Tea & Coffee served in the exhibition area


    Exhibition Area

    Morning Break: Tea & Coffee served in the exhibition area


    Main Theatre

    Session 1: Future Transport Zones and their role in setting future strategy

    Welcome and introduction from Chair

    Phillip Darnton OBE, Executive Chairman, Bicycle Association of Great Britain and Solent Future Transport Zone board member 

    Solent’s future transport ambitions

    Councillor Lynne Stagg, Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation, Portsmouth City Council, and Chair of the Solent Transport Joint Committee

    Accelerating transport innovation

    Anthony Ferguson, Deputy Director, Traffic and Technology, Department for Transport


    Real-world testing in Solent - Future Transport Zone programme overview

    Conrad Haigh, Solent Transport Manager, Solent Transport

    Panel discussion and Q and A


    Main Theatre

    Session 2: Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)

    Facilitating a single and open market for MaaS services by engaging transport operators, service providers, public authorities and users chaired by:

    Phillip Darnton OBE, Executive Chairman, Bicycle Association of Great Britain and Solent Future Transport Zone board member 


    Delivering MaaS - the technical approach

    Steve Longman, Solent FTZ Project Manager (MaaS) & Lauren Ward, Breeze Project Officer,  Solent Transport

    Building connected mobility solutions

    Damian Bown, Commercial Director, Trafi

    Planning for the Nottingham - Derby MaaS scheme

    David Alderson, Director, SYSTRA & Bradley Goodsell, Principal Research Consultant, SYSTRA

    Creating the Solent MaaS delivery mechanism 

    Tom Williams, Associate Director, Deal Advisory – Infrastructure, Real Estate & Transport, KPMG


    Panel discussion and Q and A


    Exhibition Area

    Networking Break: Lunch served in the exhibition area.

    Sponsored by:

    Steer logo


    Session 3: Choose outdoor tour...

    Tours need to be confirmed at time of registration in order to complete booking. Places on each tour are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

    E-scooter tour
    (Driving licence required)


    Shared bikes/e-bikes tour


    Hovercraft tour


    Walking tour / MaaS App live demo

    ...or workshop

    Conference icon

    Personal mobility for all: safety, accessibility and inclusion

    Workshop led by Dr Rich McIlroy, Senior Research Fellow in MaaS, Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton

    With panellists:

    • Professor Djamila Ouelhadj, Director of the Intelligent Transport Research Cluster, University of Portsmouth

    • Claire Sharpe, Head of Marketing & Communications, Beryl

    • John Forsey, Senior Manager, Corporate Fleet & Transport, Powys County Council and Sarah Leyland-Morgan, Passenger Transport Manager, Powys County Council



    Exhibition Area

    Tea & Coffee served in the exhibition area


    Main Theatre

    Session 4: The challenge of marketing innovation

    Chair: Jon Foley, Director, In the Round 


    Marketing is a Breeze!

    Charles Nichols, Marketing Communications Manager, Solent Transport 


    Panel discussion

    • Peter Edwards, Associate, SYSTRA

    • Sarah Wills, Marketing Officer, Love to Ride

    • Toby Park, Solent Future Transport Zone / MaaS Behavioural Insights Team (BIT)

    • Charles Nichols, Marketing Communications Manager, Solent Transport


    Main theatre

    Session 5: Future Transport innovation showcase​

    With panellists:

    • Fiona Jenkins, Associate, Steer

    • Habib Khan, Founder and Director, Meristem

    • Daniel Mould, CEO, WeDRT

    • Peter Davenport, Founder, Cycle-Works

    • James West, UK Business Development, Padam


    Exhibition Area

    Comfort break


    Main Theatre

    Session 6: ‘Future transport zones’ aim to trial new transport innovation: How is each of the 4 FTZs progressing?

    Chair: Giulia Scarani, Head of E-scooter Trials and Future Transport Zones, DfT


    Presentation on highlights of the FTZ progress across the UK

    Giulia Scarani, Head of E-scooter Trials and Future Transport Zones, DfT


    Panel debate and facilitated Q & A


    • Mark Collins, Head of Future Transport, Transport for West Midlands

    • Rasita Chudasama, Innovative Transport Manager, Nottingham City Council

    • Oliver Coltman, FTZ Programme Manager, West of England Combined Authority

    • Tim Forrester, Solent FTZ Programme Manager, Solent Transport


    Victory Gallery

    Networking reception

    Held at the Victory Gallery

    Sponsored by: 

    Systra logo
    Victory Gallery


    Event close

    15 September

    Comprising a series of expert-led panels / workshops discussing key themes, plus a choice of site visits by e-scooter, bike and e-bike, hovercraft and a walking MaaS app demo


    Exhibition Area

    Registration: Tea & Coffee served in the exhibition area


    Main Theatre

    Session 7: A vision for the future

    Welcome fromPhillip Darnton OBE, Executive Chairman, Bicycle Association of Great Britain and Solent Future Transport Zone board member 


    Chair: Professor John Preston, University of Southampton, and academic lead, passenger mobility, Solent Future Transport Zone


    Local Transport Plan 4: the city approach – links between Transforming Cities Fund and Solent Future Transport Zone

    Felicity Tidbury, Acting Assistant Director, Portsmouth City Council


    The long view: the future for Future Transport Zones

    Neil Taylor, Managing Director, ITP

    Insights from The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS): shared and app-based travel across Scotland’s highlands and islands, part of the Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs (Interreg NWE) project

    Shirleen Ariwi, Public Transport Information, HITRANS & Ross Basnett, Strategic Account Director, FOD Mobility Group

    Followed by panel discussion


    Exhibition Area

    Networking break: Tea & Coffee served in the exhibition area


    Main Theatre

    Session 8: Shared mobility: bikes, e-scooters and e-bikes

    Chair’s overview: Lessons learned to date

    Matthew Clark, Associate Director, Steer


    Creating a safe, sustainable e-scooter service

    Jim Hubbard, Senior Public Policy Manager, Voi Technology 

    A perspective from a small island - can e-scooter and bike share work together

    Stewart Chandler, Highways Client Manager, Isle of Wight Council

    Combining active travel and public transport as an alternative to car use

    Ben Lee, Partnerships and Campaigns Lead, Beryl 

    You can’t park it there!!! Rationalising e-scooter parking

    Geoff Burrage, Associate Director, ITP


    Followed by panel discussion


    Exhibition Area

    Networking break: Lunch served in the exhibition area


    Session 9: Choose an outdoor tour...

    Tours need to be confirmed at time of registration in order to complete booking. Places on each tour are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

    E-scooter tour
    (Driving licence required)


    Shared bikes/e-bikes tour


    Walking tour / MaaS App live demo

    ...or workshop

    Conference icon

    Personal mobility for all: safety, accessibility and inclusion

    Workshop led by Dr Rich McIlroy, Senior Research Fellow in MaaS, Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton

    With panellists:

    • Professor Djamila Ouelhadj, Director of the Intelligent Transport Research Cluster, University of Portsmouth

    • Claire Sharpe, Head of Marketing & Communications, Beryl

    • John Forsey, Senior Manager, Corporate Fleet & Transport, Powys County Council



    Exhibition Area

    Session 10: Speed learning

    7 speakers present simultaneously in 5 x 10 min blocks, then a horn sounds and delegates move to the next table (allowing 1 min change over each time). Delegates will be able to attend 5 of the 7 sessions offered....

    1. Digital Demand Responsive Transport (DDRT)
      Indira Joseph, Solent FTZ Project Manager (DDRT), Solent Transport

    2. Mobility credits
      Gareth James, Solent FTZ Project Manager, Solent Transport

    3. Mobility hubs
      Emma Baker, Senior Transport Planner, Policy, Southampton City Council & Carolyn Ireland, TCF Project Lead , Southampton City Council

    4. Working with the Transforming Cities Fund 
      Martina Olley, TCF Programme Manager, Southampton City Council

    5. Ticketing
      Alex Sbardella, Head of Product, Unicard

    6. Active travel
      Cheryl Ford, STARS Programme Manager, Modeshift and Sarah Fay – Senior Events and Best Practice Specialist, Modeshift

    7. Bus priority
      Graham Wright, Transport Policy Lead for South Hampshire  Hampshire County Council​


    Main Theatre

    Session 11: The future and next steps...

    Phillip Darnton OBE, Executive Chairman, Bicycle Association of Great Britain and Solent Future Transport Zone board


    Event Close

    Please note that the programme is under development and subject to change. 

    Future Transport Forum 2022 will take place in January 2023

    Landor LINKS, Solent Transport and our event partners are pleased to announce that the re-scheduled Future Transport Forum will now take place on 18th & 19th January 2023 at the same venue in Portsmouth, the Historic Dockyard.

    Solent Transportation and Landor LINKS made a decision to postpone the event, which had been due to take place in Portsmouth on 14-15 September, as a mark of respect to the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

    The Steering Committee for the Future Transport Forum 2022 offer its sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Conrad Haigh, manager at Solent Transport and the host of this event, says:  

    ‘"The event was paused out of respect for the public mourning period for the Queen. We are delighted to have been able to reschedule the event and activities for a time when delegates will be able fully experience the UK first fully operational, Multicity, Maas App, as well as many other aspects of our exciting Future Transport Zone. We look forward seeing you all here."


    Landor LINKS will shortly be in contact with all speakers, sponsors, supporters, and exhibitors with further details regarding the re-scheduled event.


    All bookings made for the original dates, including delegate tickets, sponsorship, and exhibition packages, will be carried over to the new date as per the Landor LINKS terms and conditions - available here.

    For all other queries, please contact Landor Conferences

    Landor LINKS & Solent Transport



    Speaker biographies

    Please note that the agenda is currently being programmed. Updates to follow.

    Phillip Darnton OBE

    Executive Chairman, Bicycle Association of Great Britain & Solent Future Transport Zone board member 

    Phillip is the chairman of the Bicycle Association, the trade body which represents the U.K. Cycle Industry. He also chairs the Cycle Rail Working Group for the Department for Transport.


    As well as serving as chair of the stakeholders of Solent Future Transport Zone, Phillip sits on the DfT’s Stakeholder Advisory Group.

    He is the non-executive chair of Brompton Solutions, and is the Patron of the Bikeability Trust.


    Phillip was awarded an OBE in 2011 for services to cycling

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    Anthony Ferguson

    Deputy Director, Traffic and Technology, Department for Transport

    Anthony is a Deputy Director in the Department for Transport in charge of Traffic & Technology. This role encompasses traditional traffic management policy, involving things like the way roadworks are planned and carried out, parking regulations and the rules for traffic signs, as well as exploring the potential for data and emerging technology to improve the safety, efficiency and environmental performance of our road networks.  Anthony’s team is also developing the UK’s policy position on micromobility through national trials of e-scooters and preparing for legislation.

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    Felicity Tidbury

    Acting Assistant Director, Portsmouth City Council

    Felicity is the Acting Assistant Director for Transport at Portsmouth City Council. Leading six diverse areas of Traffic and Transportation for Portsmouth City Council that work collaboratively to transform travel for a cleaner, greener and better connected city. The teams delivery includes the Transport Strategy, Network Management, Parking and Enforcement, Air Quality Improvement, Safer Travel and National Bus Strategy.


    With 17 years' experience in transport, Felicity has proudly played a pivotal role in securing over £110 million to support the transformation of travel in Portsmouth that is a city that is densely populated and heavily dependent on cars. The work she has been instrumental in has resulted in the rental e-scooter trial, the first residential EV charge points with dedicated bays being created in the UK, in Portsmouth and the start of more environmentally friendly bus travel with Portsmouth's first electric buses expected next year.

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    Gareth James

    Future Transport Zone (FTZ) Project Manager, Solent Transport

    Gareth James is a Future Transport Zone (FTZ) Project Manager for Solent Transport, responsible for delivering various FTZ projects including bike share and e-scooter schemes for Portsmouth City Council, as well as leading its micromobility evaluation work centered on safety and sustainability. He previously worked as a Senior Transport Project Officer for the London Borough of Hounslow and as a Transportation Planner for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) in Washington DC, where he obtained his Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from Virginia Tech.


    Geoff Burrage

    Associate Director, ITP

    Biography to follow

    Steve Longman Latest.jpg

    Steve Longman

    Solent FTZ Project Manager (MaaS)

    Solent Transport

    Steve Longman is leading the development of the Breeze platform for Solent Transport, which has pioneered the UK’s first multi-city MaaS application. He is a chartered transport planner and qualified project manager focussing on future mobility and sustainable transport, having worked on projects across UK, Europe and the MENA region.  

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    David Alderson

    Associate Director, SYSTRA


    Biography to follow

    Alex Sbardella.jpg

    Alex Sbardella

    Head of Product, Unicard

    Alex is a transport technology, consumer, and experience expert. He specialises in making complex trends  and technologies relatable for any audience, with his knowledgeable but laid-back style inspiring audiences around the world about the future of society, transport, customer experience, and business. Currently the Head of Product at leading transport management provider Unicard, he works with local authorities and transport operators around the UK to build the future of mobility, from smart ticketing to mobility-as-a-service and beyond.

    Charles Nichols.jpg

    Charles  Nichols

    Marketing Communications Manager, Solent Transport

    Charles is the Marketing Communications Manager for Solent Transport and the Solent Future Transport Zone. He loves developing messages and creative that make people sit up and pay attention.


    At the Solent FTZ, Charles leads the creative development of the Breeze brand and associated marketing strategy; manages the implementation of the Behaviour Change Strategy across all FTZ projects; co-ordinates PR activity and ensures a collaborative approach to marketing communications with Solent Transport’s four partner local transport authorities and multiple transport service providers.


    In the last few months Charles has provided marketing communications advice to Transport for West Midlands and the Transport for Greater Bristol Alliance.

    Sarah Wills.jpg

    Sarah Wills

    Marketing Officer,       
    Love to Ride

    I am Love to Ride’s Marketing Officer, working to promote the incredible benefits of bike riding through our website, emails and social media. With a background in copywriting for children and other special-interest audiences, I aim to bring the fun to our marketing efforts and to speak to our audiences in the most effective way to enact meaningful behaviour change. Let’s get more people riding, protecting the planet, and supercharging their physical and mental health.

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    Giulia Scarani

    Head of E-scooter Trials and Future Transport Zones, DfT

    Giulia is the Head of E-scooter trials and Future Transport Zones in the Department for Transport’s Traffic and Technology division. Giulia leads the team overseeing e-scooter trials in 30 areas around England and contributing to policy development to define the future of micromobility and e-scooters in the UK. Giulia also leads on policy and engagement for Future Transport Zones, a £92m investment into trials of new transport innovations in Solent Transport, Transport for West Midlands, Derby and Nottingham and West of England Combined Authority.


    Prior to joining the DfT, Giulia worked in consultancy, supporting government bodies to shape and guide policy and strategy research in the fields of transport and infrastructure delivery.

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    Oliver Coltman

    FTZ Programme Manager, West of England Combined Authority

    Biography to follow

    Neil Taylor.jpg

    Neil Taylor

    Managing Director,


    Neil Taylor is ITP’s Managing Director.  He worked with Derby and Nottingham City Council to help formulate their successful Future Transport Zone programme funding bid, having previously undertaken research for the Connected Places (then Transport Systems) Catapult into the ongoing Transport Data Revolution, alongside a number of international open transport data sharing with World Bank and city Government Officers in the Philippines, Bangladesh and Mexico.  Neil’s interest lies in practically useful innovations and technologies that are accessible for all, and enhances everyday life by improving mobility choices.

    Ross Basnett.jpg

    Ross Basnett

    Strategic Account Director, FOD Mobility Group

    Ross is Strategic Account Director for Mobilleo, a pioneering Mobility as a Service platform based in the UK with ambitions to become a global provider. 
    With over 15 years’ experience in senior and consulting roles within the Fleet industry, Ross is passionate about driving behaviour change in travel through public / private sector collaboration. Through Mobilleo Ross’s ambition is to remove barriers to shared, public and active transport. Recently Mobilleo has engaged with HITRANS in Scotland to pilot MaaS in rural settings, as part of the Transport Scotland MaaS investment Fund initiative, and Ross is deeply involved in the implementation of this exciting project. 

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    Jim Hubbard

    Senior Public Policy Manager, Voi Technology

    Jim Hubbard is Senior Public Policy Manager at Voi, the leading shared micromobility provider, operating in 100+ cities. He leads on city and stakeholder engagement ensuring Voi meets the needs of its city partners and society at large. This includes working closely with communities to advance sustainable forms of transport including e-bikes and e-scooters and serving as an Advisory Board member of Social Value UK. Having started his career in politics in the U.S., he moved to London to earn an MSc in Sustainable Urbanism from University College London. He’s now worked in UK public policy for 10+ years on topics ranging from city planning and regional investment where before joining Voi he led the Regional Policy team at the Confederation of British Industry. Outside of work he serves as a Governor at a local state primary school.

    Ben Lee.jpg

    Ben Lee

    Partnerships and Campaigns Lead, Beryl 

    Ben Lee is the Partnerships and Campaigns Lead at Beryl helping partners develop sustainable active travel practice with their fleet of bikes and scooters. Working with both commercial and public sector organisations, his role can help shape how people move around towns and cities.


    Beryl is the UK's leading micromobility company, championing sustainable travel options to help reduce road congestion and improve air quality and public health.


    A B-Corp certified operator, we deliver schemes in partnership with cities and communities, placing people, social responsibility and environmental sustainability at the same level as financial sustainability.

    Gareth James Latest.jpg

    Gareth James

    Solent FTZ Project Manager,

    Solent Transport

    Biography to follow

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    Martina Olley

    Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) Programme Manager, Southampton City Council 

    Martina is a transport planning specialist with over twenty five years’ experience in the public and private sector as a project and programme manager. She has wide ranging experience in managing multi-disciplinary teams and working on single and multi-modal projects. She has acted as an expert witness at public inquiries and transport specialist at Local Plan Examination. Her project experience covers all aspects from bidding, project inception and formulation, feasibility, option study, consultation and engagement, financial management and technical reporting.

    She was appointed TCF Programme Manager in August 2020 to oversee the development and implementation of the Southampton TCF programme which includes a range of active travel and public transport schemes across Hampshire County Council and Southampton City Council. The programme aims to transform the City Centre and improve gateways to the City Centre, and provide sustainable and active travel connections between the City Centre and surrounding suburbs through improved cycle infrastructure and Rapid Bus Corridors, thereby delivering a step-change in transport sustainably connecting people, jobs and opportunities along four corridors into the City Centre.

    She previously worked for Mott MacDonald where she led a large number of projects for public and private clients covering transport planning, traffic engineering, traffic modelling, masterplanning as well as noise and air quality. 

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    Sarah Fay 

    Senior Events and Best Practice Specialist, Modeshift

    I started my journey in the sustainable and active travel world in 2009, working on Middlesbrough Councils ‘Healthy Towns’ project.  After a fab few years dressing up in various costumes for Walk to School events, I moved on to manage Durham County Councils ‘Local Motion’ project, then moved on to the private sector to manage the delivery of the STARS South Yorkshire project.  I joined the Modeshift Management Board in 2010 and held the position of North East, Yorkshire & Humber Regional Rep for 5 years.  I started my new role as Modeshift’s Customer Best Practice and Events Specialist at the beginning of May and am loving being part of the core delivery team

    I absolutely love how passionate everyone within Team Modeshift is about our common cause of promoting sustainable and active travel, and hearing the new and innovative ways schools, workplaces and community groups go about engaging their audiences and pushing their message is fab!

    Outside of Modeshift, I love nothing more than a good Spin session and my favourite place to be is outside; the back garden, at the seaside, in a forest – as long as there’s fresh air, you’ll find me there!

    Claire Sharpe Beryl.jpeg

    Claire Sharpe

    Head of Marketing & Communications,


    Bio to follow.

    Peter Davenport Cycle Works 021022.jpg

    Peter Davensport


    Cycle-Works Ltd

    Peter has a background in promoting cycling and sustainable travel by providing innovative products that people like and want to use.  He is the founder and Director of cycle-parking company Cycle-Works, which introduced individual bike lockers and then 2-tier racking into the UK, then innovations including wheeling ramps, workstations, pumps, scooter parking, and EV charging points.

    One of the missing links in the UK is the ability to carry bikes on public transport, especially buses. This can be overcome by the proven, legal, safe, quick and easy to use bus-rack, which has been shown to make areas far more cycle-friendly and accessible.  Peter set up a popular pilot project on 6 buses in Wellington, NZ, who then fitted the racks to all 300 buses in the city fleet.  He believes it is now time for similar pilot schemes in the UK.

    The bus-racks obviously also create great marketing opportunities, influence behavioural change and demonstrate that an operator really is taking cycling seriously

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    Dr Rich Mcllroy

    Senior Research Fellow in MaaS, Transportation Research Group,

    University of Southampton

    Rich received the BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology and the MSc degree in Research Methods in Psychology from the University of Southampton, UK, in 2008 and 2009 respectively. He was awarded his Engineering Doctorate by the same University in 2016.


    He has published across a variety of topics, including eco-driving and the effect of multi-sensory, in-vehicle information on driving behaviour and fuel use, the general utility of various human factors and sociotechnical systems methods for the support of decision making and system design in a variety of domains, the characteristics and determinants of road users’ attitudes and behaviours, and the benefit of applying sociotechnical systems methods to the issue of road safety. He is a chartered member of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, a co-chair of the Energy and Mobility sub-committee of the Human Factors and Sustainable Development Technical Committee, and he serves as Associate Editor of the journal Safety Science.

    Graham Wright

    Graham Wright

    Transport Policy Lead for South Hampshire, Hampshire County Council

    Graham has extensive experience across transport planning policy development and delivery in both local government and private practice. Graham is able to draw upon lessons learnt from delivering park and ride and bus priority in the historic city of Salisbury to more recent Transforming Cities Funded scheme development for South East Hampshire Rapid Transit and preparation of LCWIPs across south Hampshire.  

    Councillor Lynne Stagg

    Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation, Portsmouth City Council


    Lynne is retired teacher born and brought up in Swansea, she studied Geography at Aberystwyth University. Lynne has taught in London and Plymouth, lived in Australia for 6 years and I have lived in Portsmouth for the past 40 years

    Lynne is the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation, she also held this position between 2008 - 2010.

    As the Cabinet Member for T&T,  Lynne wants to improve our bus services so that more residents travel by bus and fewer travel by car so we can cut down on congestion and significantly improve air quality. 

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    Conrad Haigh

    Solent Transport Manager, Solent Transport

    Solent Transport is a partnership between Southampton, Portsmouth, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, focusing on strategic transport issues and partnership working. Solent Transport is the recipient of a Department for Transport Future Transport Zone grant which looks at developing innovative transport solutions and bringing them to fruition.

    Conrad as more than 30 years experience in transport ranging from campaigning, commercial experience, and experience at every level of government. He as significant experience in sustainable transport and behavioural change. His past employers include Transport for London, the Rail delivery Group and the Department for Transport.

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    Habib Khan

    Founder and Director, 

    Meristem Design

    Habib is one of the founders of Meristem Design, an award-winning urban landscape design company with horticulture at its heart and on a mission to turn the urban grey, green.  After graduating as an RICS Surveyor he decided to switch career to only working with organisations with environmental aims of helping to combat climate change. 


    In the past 20 years he has played an instrumental role in some of London’s landmark schemes such as City Car Club and launching the UK’s first Bike Sharing Scheme in 2005 and the on-street Bike Hanger concept.   


    Habib helped to launch Meristem Design as he believes the success of our urban living lies in the benefits of green infrastructure, we need to be surrounded by plants, trees and we need to reconnect with nature at all levels.

    Fiona Jenkins

    Fiona Jenkins

    Associate, Steer

    Fiona leads Steer’s work in urban logistics and has over a decades’ experience in researching, implementing and evaluating transport initiatives which encourage best use of the transport network’s capacity and help to create more liveable urban environments. She is passionate about understanding the detail of how everything from Amazon packages to baguettes get from A to B, on time and just in time.

    Fiona advised the National Infrastructure Commission on their Future of Freight study and since then has worked with a range of public and private sector clients on how to make freight and servicing activity in businesses, streets and boroughs cleaner, safer and more efficient. She is currently supporting a project by Grid Smarter Cities at Bankside Pier in London that uses their kerbside management platform to facilitate the transfer of light freight from road to river.

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    Tim Forrester

    Solent FTZ Programme Manager,

    Solent Transport

    Solent Transport is a partnership between Southampton, Portsmouth, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, focusing on strategic transport issues and partnership working. Tim is programme manager for the Department for Transport funded Solent Future Transport Zone which looks at developing innovative transport solutions and bringing them to fruition.

    Tim has over 20 years of professional transport programme and project management experience. Having worked in the public sector for a large part of his career his background covers sustainable transport, behavioural change and transport infrastructure delivery programmes; together with a strength for effective stakeholder engagement.

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    Damian Bown

    Commercial Director, Trafi

    Damian Bown is Commercial Director at Trafi. He draws on his experience of innovation (working with some of the most successful transport apps) and operation (he launched and ran a bus company) to assist cities as they procure and implement MaaS schemes.
    Before joining Trafi, Damian was Business Development Director at Citymapper, a popular city navigation app. Prior to that he was UK Sales Director at Trapeze, a leading supplier of scheduling and tracking software for large transport operators and cities.
    In 2000, Damian was a founder of Kizoom, which went on to build the world's first transport journey planner on a phone. He sold Kizoom to Trapeze in 2010.
    Damian has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from City University in London, and an MBA from Insead, France.

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    Tom Williams

    Associate Director, Deal Advisory - Infrastructure, Real Estate & Transport, KPMG

    Tom is an Associate Director in KPMG's Infrastructure Advisory Practice and works in the Infrastructure Advisory Future Mobility team, providing consultancy services to clients spanning zero-emission mobility, intelligent transport, smart ticketing/fare payment systems, Mobility as a Service (‘MaaS’), Connected & Autonomous Vehicle technologies, Demand Responsive Transport, and Command & Control.

    Tom has experience in the delivery of public transport operations having lead the technology and innovation division for a global bus operator. He had led multi-disciplinary engagements in the UK, USA, Latin America, Africa and India. He advises clients in the evaluating, designing and implementing changes in public transport networks including in the transition to zero emission fleets, delivering world class transport infrastructure projects, using big data and innovative technology to drive transport investment decisions and assessing the viability of emerging technological solutions (from autonomous vehicles to in-wheel electric motors).

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    Jon Foley

    Director, In the Round

    Jon Foley is a highly experienced sustainable travel, behaviour changes and future mobility practitioner with over 30 years experience. Jon advises national, regional and local government as well as the private sector on planning and operational issues.


    Most recently Jon has advised Solent Transport on their Future Transport Zone Behaviour Change Marketing Communications, E-scooter and Mobility as a Service projects and Surrey County Council on their future mobility aspirations. He is a strong advocate for the environmental, social and economic benefits of promoting the benefits of alternatives to single occupancy vehicle use.


    He is co-founder and Director of In the Round Ltd a specialist behaviour change marketing communications and travel demand management agency, Associate Board Member of Modeshift and a member of the Transport Planning Society’s Policy Sub Group.

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    Peter Edwards

    Associate, SYSTRA

    Peter Edwards is an Associate at SYSTRA with a background in behaviour change, travel planning and active travel.  Previous to joining SYSTRA in early 2022 he worked for Birmingham City Council and helped deliver their Clean Air Zone as well as managing their schools and workplace travel planning teams. 

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    Toby Park

    Solent FTZ / MaaS Behavioural Insights Team (BIT)

    Toby leads the energy, transport and sustainability work at the Behavioural Insights Team, the world's first government institution dedicated to the application of behavioural science to improve lives, and now a global social purpose consultancy. He covers topics as diverse as energy, water, mobility, food systems, circular economy and wildlife conservation. His expertise lies in the psychology of pro-environmental action at the individual and societal level. He works with government departments, environmental NGOs and environmentally conscious businesses around the world to apply behavioural science to improve policy, service design and communications.  

    Toby’s background is in psychology and engineering.

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    Mark Collins

    Head of Future Transport, Transport for West Midlands

    Mark Collins is Head of Future Transport at Transport for West Midlands. He is leading the Future Transport Zone programme for the West Midlands, which includes elements such as Mobility Credits, Mobility Hubs, Mobility-as-a-Services, new modes including eScooters and WM On-demand. He is also involved in establishing the future mobility strategy within TfWM, deploying the learnings from these innovation programmes. Before joining TfWM he spent 11 years at Jaguar Land Rover in a series of engineering and management roles including vehicle prototyping, vehicle packaging, technology research and advanced engineering.  With a degree in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering he has extensive experience of delivering new technologies and mobility systems.  

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    Professor John Preston

    Transportation Group

    University of Southampton

    John Preston is a Professor in the Transportation Group at the University of Southampton, with almost 40 years of experience in transport research and education. He has held almost 160 research grants and contracts, published almost 400 articles, book chapters, conference and working papers and successfully supervised over 30 doctoral students. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and is currently leading the research at the University of Southampton for Theme 1 (Personal Mobility) of the Solent Future Transport Zone, including the programme level monitoring and evaluation.

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    Shirleen Ariwi

    Public Transport Information, HITRANS

    HITRANS Project Officer- Public Transport Information and Go-HI

    Graduate Engineer with a Masters in Transport and Intelligent Mobility and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. Worked in the field of transportation modelling & planning, Road Safety and Crash Data Analysis before gaining further interest in the fields of Intelligent Mobility, Public transport and Mobility as a Service.

    Currently coordinating and supporting the delivery of public transport information on behalf of the five local authorities within the HITRANS area and supporting MaaS Platform activity working with Project Partners in delivery of the GO-HI project.

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    Matthew Clark

    Associate Director, Steer

    Matthew leads Steer’s work in New Mobility. His work focuses on analysis of the market for new and enhanced transport services both in the UK and worldwide including Zero Emission Vehicles, Shared Mobility and Emerging Services (including Mobility Hubs and MaaS).  Matthew works for both the public sector and private sector building an evidence base to maximise the positive impacts of new transport technologies in our cities and towns.  Based in London, Matthew draws on international experience for a range of projects planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating projects involving car sharing, bike sharing, escooters, on-demand taxis, on-demand minibuses, Mobility as a Service, Mobility Hubs and Autonomous Vehicles.  Matthew is also the chair of the UK body representing the shared mobility sector CoMoUK.

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    Stewart Chandler

    Highways Client Manager, Isle of Wight Council

    Biography to follow

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    Indira Joseph

    Solent FTZ Project Manager (DDRT),

    Solent Transport

    Indira  started her career in 2008  as a geographic information system specialist in electric utility industry in South Africa. This period of self- discovery inspired  her to find  interest in project management which she has pursued since 2013. Since then she has been a project manager for several utility asset management projects  ranging from technical engineering to research projects. She has earned her Masters degree in GIS from ITC , Netherlands and her Diploma in Business Administration from University of Pretoria, South Africa.

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    Emma Baker

    Senior Transport Planner, Policy, Southampton City Council

    Emma is a Strategic Transport Planner at Southampton City Council with over 14 years experience in developing active and sustainable transport policies and strategies, delivering projects and monitoring and evaluation. 


    She is works closely with a range of national, regional and local stakeholders to further develop and deliver the aspirations in the Connected Southampton Transport Strategy, including supporting the delivery of the Transforming Cities and Solent Future Transport Zone programmes. These programmes aim to transform the City Centre and regenerate district centres through the delivery of walking, cycling and bus improvements, including the creation of Active Travel Zones and Local Mobility Hubs and supporting behaviour change initiatives, including scooter and cycle hire, and enhancing the current Solent Go offer. 


    She previously worked for Reading Borough Council where she held a similar role as a Senior Transport Planner. Highlights included developing the Local Transport Plan, leading on the active travel element of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme and working collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to develop Reading's Local Cycling and Infrastructure Plan and projects funded by Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership. 

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    Cheryl Ford

    STARS Programme Manager, Modeshift

    I recently joined Modeshift as STARS Programme Manager overseeing STARS Education, STARS Business and STARS Community.  Prior to this new role I worked for Newcastle City Council gaining 20 years’ experience heading up the Road Safety Team and School Travel Planning.

    After many years working with Modeshift, I am delighted to be part of the Delivery Team at such an exciting time and contributing my experience and passion for Active and Sustainable Travel.

    Outside of Modeshift, I love outdoor adventures with my children and our dog Charlie. Recently I challenged myself the Northumberland Mighty Hike to raise money for Macmillan which was a 26.5 mile trek over the coast from Alnwick Castle to Bamburgh Castle. 

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    Professor Djamila Ouelhadj

    Director of the Intelligent Transport Research Cluster, University of Portsmouth, UK

    Djamila Ouelhadj is a Professor of Operational Research and Analytics at the University of Portsmouth. She is the Director of the Intelligent Transport Cluster and Chair of the Logistics, Operational Research and Analytics Research Group. She has carried out successful research in transport, Operational Research and  analytics for 35 years. She has over 300 publications in international distinguished journals and refereed conference proceedings, and she has led nearly 60 R&D and EU grants with world-leading organisations. She is the Chair of the Southern OR Society and a member of the Advisory Board of the Transport for the South East to represent 12 regional universities. She is the Principal Lead at the University of Portsmouth of the Solent Future Transport Zone for Theme 1 (Personal Mobility) and Theme 2 (Freight Logistics).

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    Carolyn Ireland

    TCF Project Lead , Southampton City Council

    Carolyn is a Project Lead at Southampton City Council with 5 years’ experience in sustainable transport project roles at the authority. She currently leads on the Active Travel Zone (ATZ) & Mobility Hub strand of the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme - an investment of nearly £70m, with £57m funded by the DfT, which will make it easier to walk, cycle and travel by bus in and around the city.


    Southampton’s first ATZ, co-designed with residents, has already dramatically reduced traffic levels on residential streets and led to an increase in walking and cycling in the neighbourhood. Mobility Hubs will enhance public spaces and provide access to a range of sustainable transport options such as shared bikes, cargo bikes and e-scooters.

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    James West

    UK Business Development,


    James leads Padam Mobility's Business Development in England and Wales. Engaging with Operators and Public Authorities, James uses his extensive experience to help them design and fulfill their DDRT ambitions and explore how this can be extended to other services such as Dial-a-Ride.

    James spent 7 years at the French Operator RATP Dev, rising from a graduate to leading two flagship UK DRT projects before moving to Paris to oversee global DRT Developments. He launched the UK’s first DRT service, Slide Bristol and then became General Manager for the DRT Service in partnership with Transport for London, Slide Ealing

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    Bradley Goodsell

    Principal Consultant,


    Bradley is a Principal Consultant in SYSTRA’s Social and Market Research (SMR) team, having completed his Psychology degree at University of Surrey. During his time at SYSTRA, Bradley has helped deliver programmes of stakeholder engagement, public consultation, community involvement and co-design, research into transport policy, and studies of behaviour change across a range of contexts.

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    Senior Manager for Fleet & Corporate Transport, Powys County Council

    John Forsey is the Senior Manager for Fleet & Corporate Transport at Powys County Council, one of the largest and most rural local authorities in the United Kingdom.  Responsible for one of the largest public sector fleets in Wales (around 150 HGV’s and 400 LCV’s) he also heads up the Home to School and Local Bus Service provision for the County.  Accountable for the safe daily transportation of around 5,000 school children to around 100 different educational establishments from around 2,500 pick-up and drop off points on 300 vehicles.  This provides some really challenging transport issues in such a deeply rural county, which has led us to develop some really innovative solutions in order to keep learners safe and bus operators informed.  


    John has 25 years’ experience working in the transport and logistic sector in both the private and public sector and has been in his current role in local government for the past 18 years.   With his experience in both the private and public sectors, he places a strong emphasis on collaboration with stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes for our residents and communities.

    Future Transport Forum 2025

    Novotel Southampton
    1 W Quay Road, SO15 1RA

    Supported by:

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    Transport Technology Forum

    Hosted by:

    Solent Transport: A Partnership

    Future Transport Zones in England are funded by the Department for Transport

    Personal mobility - innovation in action

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